Michael Kappel .Com

My Presentations

Chicago technical presenter for meetups and small groups

Interactive 3D websites with HTML and TypeScript
Topic: The Future of the Web. A WebVR workshop in VisualStudio with TypeScript and A-Frame.
Category: AFrame, TypeScript
Meetup Link
PDF Link
Minecraft Modding for Kids Ages 7-12
Topic: A five class course on Code Kingdoms Minecraft Modding in Java.
Category: Code Kingdoms, Minecraft, Java
Demo Site Link
Meetup Link
What's new in SQL Server 2016 and SQL Azure
Topic: A discussion on the new features of SQL Server 2016 and SQL Azure based on the material from "SQL Server 2016 road show" with some additional focus on Azure.
Category: SQL Server 2016, SQL Azure, Azure
Meetup Link
Enterprise JavaScript Architecture in TypeScript
Topic: A demonstration focused on common design patterns in TypeScript in order to implement Online/Offline HTML5 features.
Category: TypeScript, HTML5, Design Patterns, JavaScript
Meetup Link
S.O.L.I.D Software Development in C#
Topic: C#, SOLID, Dependency Injection, Interfaces, ect..
Category: C#, Best Practices, Software development, Design Patterns
Video Link
The 23 Gang of 4 Design Patterns
Topic: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Creational patterns, Structural patterns, Behavioral Patterns, ect...
Category: C#, Best Practices, Software development, Design Patterns
Meetup Link
Michael Kappel © 2015